What is Ethereum?

Etherium  is also a cryptocurrency, just like bitcoins but its is mining with GPU with less power. This currency would  reach the bitcoin level in future because of its production. Eterium is already in second place in crypto currencies after bitcoin.It is because the difficulty is too low as compared to bitcoins ,Soon when the difficulty increase you will see the miners for ETH.You are saying with too much confidence that it will be the second crypto currency after bitcoin however i guess its not because from last attack (which was not an attack according to them they were checking or whatever they are doing) the price of ETHEREUM is decreasing rapidly/continously .  It is still profitable for mining with GPU.(radeon R9 280x) the best if you have free  electricityYes , Right time to mine it . Many people are taking interest in ETH so the difficulty is going to be increased definitely.

by kryptonite, 6 replies.

Started 2016-02-23 14:48:08

What is Ethereum?

Yeah it is the perfect time to buy eth , The price is going to be up soon also ETH is cool :)And also it is the perfect time to buy bitcoins.

by kryptonite, 6 replies.

Started 2016-02-23 14:48:08

nitrogensports.eu bet site by BTC

yeah the site is awesome i am using the site from last couple of months. I found that website on a bitcoin forum

by mjunaid01, 7 replies.

Started 2015-10-23 20:32:41