Forum posts: 25Bonuses: 121
Thanks: 3
On 2016-07-08 08:00:29
Etherium is already crossed the lite coin price even though its a new currency with litecoin, but lite coin is from long time but its not raising too much compare to etherium.which currency is best among these two.
Etherium is already crossed the lite coin price even though its a new currency with litecoin, but lite coin is from long time but its not raising too much compare to etherium.which currency is best among these two.
Forum posts: 83Bonuses: 1126
Thanks: 21
On 2016-07-08 10:19:54
Litecoin :/ dogecoin etc all these kind of coins are shit coins , Mine ETH now
Litecoin :/ dogecoin etc all these kind of coins are shit coins , Mine ETH now